Strong & Corageous Bible Cover The "Be Strong & Courageous" Bible Cover has the look and feel of an antique book. Smooth and deeply grained faux leather join for contrast. Delicately engraved borders embellish the spine and corner blocks. A gold foil filigree frames the debossed text and highlights the spine. The front carries text from Joshua 1:9, and the complete verse is skillfully debossed into the back.
$ 30.00 New Available online

Strong & Corageous Bible Cover

The "Be Strong & Courageous" Bible Cover has the look and feel of an antique book. Smooth and deeply grained faux leather join for contrast. Delicately engraved borders embellish the spine and corner blocks. A gold foil filigree frames the debossed text and highlights the spine. The front carries text from Joshua 1:9, and the complete verse is skillfully debossed into the back.

Price: $30.00
  • Quantity:  
  • SKU: CABBL592
  • Stock Status: Out Of Stock

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