Easter Egg Pink The Easter bunny is on his way, Easter eggs and treats are hidden for the hunt, and your little one has their very special personalized Easter egg shaped Easter tote for a basket. She'll love filling her Easter basket shaped like an Easter egg, handcrafted of felt, and beautifully decorated just for her. Personalized with her embroidered name it is certainly a fine Easter treat!
$ 15.00 New Available online

Easter Egg Pink

The Easter bunny is on his way, Easter eggs and treats are hidden for the hunt, and your little one has their very special personalized Easter egg shaped Easter tote for a basket. She'll love filling her Easter basket shaped like an Easter egg, handcrafted of felt, and beautifully decorated just for her. Personalized with her embroidered name it is certainly a fine Easter treat!

Price: $15.00
  • Quantity:  
  • Stock Status: Out Of Stock

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